Ready for a 20-minute Full Body Pilates workout? In this video we’re doing a Beginner's Pilates workout, no equipment is needed. Just using your body weight, you’ll feel strengthened yet relaxed after this 20-minute full-body workout
This is a great Pilates workout for beginners too. Try it and leave me a comment if you liked it?
Ready to build more strength? Check out my short and effective Pilates course here
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Viewers must always ensure their bodies are fully prepared for a workout before commencing these exercises. The exercises in this video may result in injury if not carried out correctly. Viewers must take into account their own personal strength, flexibility, and general health and consult a health and/or fitness professional if they have any concerns. These exercises are not suitable for those with any health conditions and such viewers should seek prior medical advice before undertaking the exercises. If any viewer experiences any pain or discomfort while undertaking these exercises, they should stop immediately and, if necessary, seek medical attention. Viewers undertake the exercises in this video at their own risk. Isa-Welly accepts no responsibility or liability for any damage (whether to person or possessions) or personal injury incurred whilst undertaking the exercises contained in this video.