27:35Weight Training20 Minute HARD Upper Body Workout with Dumbbells | Caroline Girvan1 November, 20241,952,343
33:47Weight Training30 MIN TONED UPPER BODY Workout With Weights, No Repeat, Home Workout with dumbbells17 September, 20241,023,043
33:19Weight Training30 MIN TOTAL UPPER BODY Workout With Weights - Shoulders, Chest, Back and Arms with Dumbbells8 August, 20241,107,926
10:50Weight Training10 min Upper Body Workout With Dumbbells (Arms, Back, Chest) Slimming & Fat Burn!5 August, 2024799,230
27:35Weight Training20 Minute HARD Upper Body Workout with Dumbbells | Caroline Girvan30 June, 20241,624,811
38:03Weight TrainingIRON Series 30 Min Arms and Abs Workout - Biceps, Triceps | 521 June, 20242,199,247
22:02Weight Training20 MIN TONED ARMS + SHOULDER Workout With Weights - No Repeat, Upper Body Dumbbell Workout5 May, 20241,943,983
41:40Home Workouts40-Minute Calorie Burning Walk at Home Workout to Lose Belly Fat28 March, 20242,027
11:25Weight Training10 Minute SEATED ARM Workout With Dumbbell Weights | Chair workout For Beginners!23 February, 202410,832
27:35Weight Training20 Minute HARD Upper Body Workout with Dumbbells | Caroline Girvan16 January, 20241,160,698
42:36Gym WorkoutsFull Upper Body Dumbbell Workout to Build Strength! *Crazy Burnout!*2 December, 202330,180
23:11Weight Training20 Minute ARM FAT Loss Workout【With Weights】All Standing 🔥1 September, 202311,051
19:29Weight Training15 MIN TONED ARMS WORKOUT - With Weights, Upper Body Express, No Repeat, No Jumping24 July, 202327,017
34:13HIIT Workouts30 Minute Upper Body & Cardio HIIT Burn Workout | EFFORT - Day 145 May, 2023119,369
45:39Weight Training40 MIN UPPER BODY WORKOUT - Back, Arms, Chest & ABS - Tone and Build Strength With Weights19 April, 20231,144,205
29:15HIIT Workouts25 Min UPPER BODY WORKOUT with Dumbbells | SHOULDERS, BACK, CHEST, BICEPS & TRICEPS27 March, 2023338
22:02Weight Training20 MIN TONED ARMS + SHOULDER Workout With Weights - No Repeat, Upper Body Dumbbell Workout26 March, 20231,257,725
9:46Weight TrainingBeginners Workout for Toned, Sexy Arms, 10 Minute Quick Easy Fitness, Lean Arm Exercises at Home17 March, 20233,226,449
32:16Weight Training30 MIN STRONG TONED ARMS | with weights (dumbbells or water bottles) | growingannanas1 February, 2023889,255