Breaking the Mold: How an Alberta Gym Became a Leader in Inclusivity

Breaking the Mold: How an Alberta Gym Became a Leader in Inclusivity

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Publish Date:
27 February, 2023
Gym Workouts
Video License
Standard License
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This is Action Potential Fitness, a gym located in Edmonton that is dedicated to inclusivity and diversity. Co-owner Toni Harris is a non-binary trans masculine human who saw a lack of safe spaces for the queer and trans community, as well as issues with disability and racial diversity in traditional fitness spaces. This inspired Toni Harris and Zita Dube-Lockhart to create Action Potential Fitness , a gym where everyone is welcome and fitness is for everybody.

Action Potential Fitness has worked hard to create a safe space for all, but they know that not all feedback has been positive. This serves as a reminder that the fitness industry has a responsibility to prioritize diversity and inclusion and create safe spaces for all.

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