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In this HIIT Tutorial, I’m going to introduce you to what HIIT actually is, how it differs from steady-state cardio, how to do HIIT, and what HIIT workouts are best for different types of exercise. Essentially, HIIT is a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, build endurance, lose weight, and boost your metabolism… all in short 15-30 minute sessions.
*How Is HIIT Different To LISS (Low-Intensity Steady-State) Cardio (0:30)
HIIT cardio is different from LISS cardio, due to the intervals of ‘high intensity’ that are seeded into the standard workout. The main reason HIIT is often referred to as a better workout is purely because it’s more efficient. The overall outcome of both types of exercise is actually very similar. HIIT workouts can be done in sessions between 15-30 minutes, where LISS cardio can take 30-minutes and upwards.
*What Is HIIT Training? (1:58)
So, what is HIIT cardio? HIIT is a workout session that generally lasts 15-30 minutes and uses ‘high intensity’ intervals to raise and lower your workout intensity and heart-rate. It can be done with varying lengths of intervals, depending on what type of equipment or exercise you are doing your workout on. It can be done on static cardio machines or by performing dynamic exercises.
*How To Do HIIT Workout Intervals (3:12)
There are various intervals you can use to complete your HIIT workouts, but my initial suggestions are:
- 1-minute hard, 2-minutes light
- 15-seconds hard, 45-seconds light
Starting off with these will get you understanding the intensity that works for you and what exercises you prefer to use in your HIIT routine. The 1-minute hard, 2-minutes light workout tends to work very well on cardio machines where you can increase the resistance, speed, and/or incline. The 15-second hard, 45-seconds light works best with more dynamic exercises like sprinting, rowing, and battle ropes.
*What HIIT Workout Is Best For Me? (5:29)
The best HIIT workout for you will depend on how you currently workout. If you tend to do long-duration LISS cardio, use the 1-minute on, 2-minutes off version to start. Simply include higher intensity intervals into what you already do and possibly shorten the overall duration. If you tend to do more dynamic workouts currently, then use the 15-second on, 45-second off with some of your exercises.
I really hope you enjoyed this HIIT Workout Guide and wish you all the best in fitting it into your training schedule. Use it alongside LISS cardio and weight routines for the best ‘all-round’ fitness plan. Good luck.
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-Dr. Balduzzi + The Men's Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project
**Disclaimer: This information is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.