Take It Outdoors: Everything Cardio | Trent | 2.3.23

Take It Outdoors: Everything Cardio | Trent | 2.3.23

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Publish Date:
4 February, 2023
PX90 Workouts
Video License
Standard License
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Take It Outdoors: Everything Cardio | Trent | 2.3.23

Join Jeff in sunny southern California for this session of Take It Outdoors: Everything Cardio. You'll learn easy-to-follow choreography that will improve your cardiovascular fitness. Your heart will be thanking you after this one! Have your chair ready before class starts.

Watch on Facebook at www.facebook.com/silverandfit or YouTube at www.youtube.com/silverandfit!

Please review our full Warnings and Disclaimers before participating in any Silver&Fit exercise videos: https://bit.ly/SFdisclaimers.

Music licensed through Yes! Music & Gruppo F (The SAIFAM Group)

#SeniorExercise #SilverandFit #Cardio

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