30 Minute Full Body Dumbbell X Bodyweight HIIT Workout (All Standing / Low Impact)

30 Minute Full Body Dumbbell X Bodyweight HIIT Workout (All Standing / Low Impact)

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Tap in with us for a full body dumbbell workout that will get the muscles pumped and the heart rate fired up! This is a great low impact routine to do often if your goal is to build strength-endurance and lose body fat. All you'll need to get after this workout is a pair of dumbbells that are light enough for dynamic movements but challenging enough to engage the muscles. This workout contains dumbbell and bodyweight exercises to mix up the fun a bit. All levels of fitness are welcome since we're providing modifications for the more difficult movements in this workout. Each movements is in a standing position so no need to hit the floor to work the full body. As always give the workout a try and let us know how you did in the comments!

Disclaimer: Toya was 5 months pregnant in this workout so it is pregnancy safe when following the modifications. If pregnant we recommend getting clearance from your doctor or PT beforehand.

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