27:35Weight Training20 Minute HARD Upper Body Workout with Dumbbells | Caroline Girvan1 November, 20241,952,343
18:14Home WorkoutsFull UPPER BODY Workout (15 Min, At Home, One Set Of Dumbbells)10 October, 202418,779
18:14Weight TrainingFull UPPER BODY Workout (15 Min, At Home, One Set Of Dumbbells)9 October, 20248,701
10:50Weight Training10 min Upper Body Workout With Dumbbells (Arms, Back, Chest) Slimming & Fat Burn!5 August, 2024799,230
32:44Weight Training30 Min TOTAL ARM WORKOUT WITH DUMBBELLS (Biceps, Triceps + Shoulders)14 July, 2024983,114
27:35Weight Training20 Minute HARD Upper Body Workout with Dumbbells | Caroline Girvan30 June, 20241,624,811
12:23Weight Training10 Minute Upper Body Dumbbell Burnout [Muscle Building Workout]21 June, 2024965,515
46:04Weight TrainingUPPER BODY WORKOUT with Dumbbells - Muscle Building | Circuit Series Day 220 June, 2024723,694
22:10Weight Training20 MIN TONED ARMS Workout - With Weights - Tone and Build Strength At Home4 June, 202441,184
32:44Weight Training30 Min TOTAL ARM WORKOUT WITH DUMBBELLS (Biceps, Triceps + Shoulders)9 April, 2024901,241
16:55Weight Training15 Min DUMBBELL ARMS & SHOULDER WORKOUT at Home | No Repeat23 February, 20249,137,415
20:35Weight Training20 Min KILLER Arm and Shoulder Workout | Dumbbell Arm Workout8 February, 2024552,541
27:35Weight Training20 Minute HARD Upper Body Workout with Dumbbells | Caroline Girvan16 January, 20241,160,698
16:40Weight TrainingFull UPPER BODY Workout (Tone & Sculpt) - 15 min At Home21 December, 20239,762,604
32:44Weight Training30 Min TOTAL ARM WORKOUT WITH DUMBBELLS (Biceps, Triceps + Shoulders)10 December, 2023806,431
20:35Weight Training20 Min KILLER Arm and Shoulder Workout | Dumbbell Arm Workout22 October, 2023482,752
23:11Weight Training20 Minute ARM FAT Loss Workout【With Weights】All Standing 🔥1 September, 202311,051
31:42Weight Training30 min TOTAL UPPER BODY Workout (Tone & Strengthen with Dumbbells)29 April, 2023720,986
29:15HIIT Workouts25 Min UPPER BODY WORKOUT with Dumbbells | SHOULDERS, BACK, CHEST, BICEPS & TRICEPS27 March, 2023338
26:36Weight Training25 Min UPPER BODY WORKOUT with Dumbbells | SHOULDERS, BACK, CHEST, BICEPS & TRICEPS3 March, 2023808,062
45:09Weight Training45 MIN UPPER BODY WEIGHT TRAINING AT HOME | Dumbbells Only | Build Muscle28 February, 202327,531
16:48Weight TrainingDUMBBELL ONLY TOTAL UPPER BODY (At Home Workout Beginner Friendly)6 February, 2023777,172
16:55Weight Training15 Min DUMBBELL ARMS & SHOULDER WORKOUT at Home | No Repeat5 February, 20236,009,889
32:37Weight Training30 Minute Dumbbell Upper Body Workout | No Bench | Build Muscle #51 February, 20237,328
1:3:50Weight Training1 HOUR UPPER BODY WORKOUT with DUMBBELLS (Build Muscle at Home)26 January, 202314,494
22:21Weight TrainingFull UPPER BODY Workout (Tone, Sculpt, & Build) - 20 Mins At Home26 January, 202344,376
16:40Weight TrainingFull UPPER BODY Workout (Tone & Sculpt) - 15 min At Home14 January, 20238,552,307